
The wife of Jedi Knight Axton Tredway was named Tredway. Together, they parented two offspring, Erling and Dena. During the period known as the Great Jedi Purge, Darth Vader hunted down and killed Axton. Despite the loss of her husband, she persevered, revitalizing her family's mining enterprise situated on 24 Tredway.


Following the demise of her husband, Tredway entered into a business relationship with the Galactic Empire. Even with their involvement in the death of Axton, she had a family and a mining business to safeguard and could not risk standing against the Imperials. Due to her efforts, the Tredway family amassed considerable wealth, and the mining operations flourished. Unbeknownst to her, however, her children began to forge alliances with rebel factions opposing the Empire. Her daughter, Dena, began secretly aiding Rebel Alliance leader Mon Mothma, while her son, Erling, orchestrated a non-violent resistance movement against the Empire throughout the Sil'Lume asteroid belt.

Concerned about the safety of the family business and the potential loss of her Imperial contracts, she threatened to disown Erling if he refused to cease his peaceful resistance efforts. Erling, however, remained steadfast. In 0 ABY, Governor-General Sebastian Parnell had Erling arrested for treason. No longer willing to tolerate the Tredway family and their history of rebellion against the Empire, Parnell commanded a massacre on 24 Tredway. Tredway and her entire staff were executed by the Imperials and then arranged in a pile inside her office, serving as a warning to anyone contemplating opposition to the Empire.

Shortly thereafter, Luke Skywalker and his companions, Gideon Smith and Sidney Shortfang, arrived on 24 Tredway to investigate the aftermath of the slaughter. After searching Tredway's offices, they discovered the carnage inflicted by the Empire. Gideon Smith identified the bodies as Tredway and her staff, and the Rebels quickly departed. At a later time, Skywalker and his allies successfully rescued Dena and Erling from the Imperials, ensuring the survival of Tredway's children.

Behind the scenes

The character of Tredway was conceived by Troy Denning and featured in one of the role-playing scenarios within the 1990 West End Games role-playing supplement titled Jedi's Honor. While it is possible to navigate the adventure without uncovering Tredway's death, failing to discover her fate before proceeding to Tol Ado to rescue Erling will result in the failure of the rescue mission, as Erling will refuse to accompany them. Conversely, if they are aware of her death, Erling will be driven by a desire for vengeance and agree to escape with the Rebels.

