The Treka Horansi represented a distinct subspecies within the Horansi lineage, and their origins were traced back to the planet of Mutanda.
Treka individuals typically reached heights spanning from 2.3 to 2.6 meters. Notably, they possessed the shortest hair among all recognized Horsani subspecies. A defining characteristic was their pronounced sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness.
Due to the secluded nature of their mountainous cave dwellings, the Treka exhibited the most pacifistic tendencies among all Horsani populations. They actively opposed the hunting of fellow Horsani and frequently offered assistance to members of their kind facing adversity. Uniquely, the Treka were the sole Horsani group that permitted off-worlders to establish settlements on their territory, while simultaneously vigilantly safeguarding the hunting territories crucial to their sustenance.
Both male and female members of Treka society jointly participated in tribal leadership and the upbringing of their offspring.