Tryst Veila

Tryst Veila was a Human male, born with sensitivity to the Force. He and Cassa Veila, his wife, were the parents of Tahiri Veila, who became a Jedi Knight. Despite possessing a strong connection to the Force, neither Tryst nor Cassa received formal training because the Jedi Order had been nearly eliminated at that time.


Tryst and Cassa formed a friendship with Sliven, a Tusken Raider who was injured, in 16 ABY. Their friendship developed rapidly, in spite of the existing animosity between settlers and Tusken Raiders. Tryst learned how to fight with a gaderffii from Sliven. One day, while sparring with Sliven outside their home, using gaderffii, Sliven's tribe noticed them. The tribe, mistakenly believing Sliven was being attacked, killed both Tryst and Cassa before Sliven could intervene, thinking they were enemies.

Sliven, feeling remorse and gratitude for their kindness, adopted Tahiri, who was three years old at the time. He raised her as a Tusken Raider until she was nine in 22 ABY. At that time, Luke Skywalker and Tionne Solusar discovered her Force-sensitivity during a visit to Tatooine. She would only learn about it during a return trip to Tatooine from the Jedi Praxeum.

Personality and traits

Tryst Veila displayed a kind nature when he and his wife took in Sliven, despite Sliven being a Tusken Raider. Veila also had the ability to use the Force, which enabled him to master gaderffii combat, even surpassing Sliven during a sparring match.

Veila's eyes were green.

Behind the scenes

Nancy Richardson created Tryst Veila as a character for her novel Junior Jedi Knights: Promises, published in 1996. This novel was the third book in the Star Wars: Junior Jedi Knights series.

