Tulon's task force

Tulon squad The Tulon strike team.

In the year 3 ABY, Colonel Beri Tulon received orders to command an army division during the infamous Massacre on Abridon. This Tulon strike team was comprised of a single All Terrain Armored Transport, a trio of All Terrain Scout Transports, and a quartet of stormtroopers.

Unbeknownst to his subordinates, Tulon planned to exploit this mission as an opportunity to desert to the Rebel Alliance installation he was tasked with attacking. Tulon then directed Annihilator 1, his designated AT-AT, against the rest of his unit, eliminating them all, before attempting to escape toward the rebel base. Nevertheless, the forces under the command of General Brenn Tantor, who was originally intended to collaborate with Tulon in the assault, gave chase and successfully disabled his walker before he could reach his destination. Tantor was astonished to discover that Tulon, his former instructor, was attempting to defect, rather than having been killed or wounded by a traitorous member of his own command. Tulon was apprehended and subsequently transferred to the Tarkin Detention Facility located on Ruul, while Tantor proceeded to complete the destruction of the rebel base independently.




