The Tundei, who were members of the Tundei Tribunal, held power over Abregado-rae in the period following the Battle of Endor and the collapse of the Galactic Empire. Their stated goal was to transform the planet into a place governed by law by eradicating all criminal elements. This group consisted of individuals from off-world who had settled on Abregado-rae and was established by a Herglic named Shelov. However, their efforts to stamp out crime ultimately had negative consequences. Their heavy-handed methods and restrictions on liberties led smugglers, who had previously sought refuge on the planet, to shift their strategy to providing weapons and essential goods, such as food, to the opponents of the Tundei's rule. As the regime responded with increased force, the smugglers completely abandoned the planet, deeming the high risk not worth the potential gains. Ultimately, the stringent rules implemented by the Tundei caused the planet's economy to lose billions of credits, both legal and illegal, pushing it to the brink of financial ruin.
Furthermore, the Tundei were responsible for the near annihilation of the indigenous Moochers, driven by the fear that the Veizen fever, which caused insanity in Moochers, might spread to the Gados population.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Tundei were faced with an unmanageable influx of refugees seeking sanctuary. It is believed that the Tundei were wiped out when the Yuuzhan Vong took control of Abregado-rae.