Tynial, a Devaronian, was employed at the Pathline Tapcafe, a business located on the planet of Brentaal IV. This took place in 0 ABY. Affiliated with the Rebel Alliance as an agent, he stood prepared to hand over a datadisc to a team of Rebel operatives. The exchange was to happen when they uttered the secret code "Gruuvan shaal" while he was on duty at the Pathline Tapcafe. Unfortunately, two days prior to the Rebels' arrival, Tynial, along with other non-Humans, was apprehended by the Galactic Empire's Commission for the Preservation of the New Order due to him not having the correct identification. Consequently, someone else from the Rebel group had to deliver the datadisc, as the Devaronian remained in Imperial custody at the time of their arrival on Brentaal.
The character Tynial appeared in "Raid on Brentaal," a role-playing scenario featured in The Far Orbit Project. This campaign book was authored by Timothy S. O'Brien and released in 1998 by West End Games for their Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The Devaronian's name appears only a couple of times and is spelled in two different ways: "Tynial" and "Tynian." This article considers "Tynial," the first spelling used, to be the accurate one.