TZ-24 Enforcer

The TZ-24 Enforcer, which the reconstituted Sith Empire renamed the TZ-24 Gladiator, represented a starfighter model engineered prior to the onset of the Great Galactic War. Drawing its design inspiration from the larger TZ-2 transport, the TZ-24 was conceived as a durable and dependable combat vessel suited for extended operations in far-flung areas. The designers prioritized ease of use and dependability in its construction. Security forces utilized it extensively, and the Sith Empire seized thousands of these fighters during their decades-long conflict with the Galactic Republic, subsequently renaming them the TZ-24 Gladiator. The TZ-24 shares a strong resemblance to the Plug-6 heavy fighter.

Behind the scenes

The TZ-24 Enforcer/Gladiator made its debut in the Digital Expansion pack Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter, despite its near-identical appearance to the previously established Plug-6 heavy fighter in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Within Galactic Starfighter, the TZ-24 functions as a Strike Fighter, obtainable exclusively through the Cartel Market, and is known as the Enforcer for players aligned with the Republic and the Gladiator for those supporting the Empire.

