Ugor homeworld

The Ugor homeworld, situated at galactic coordinates M-20, was a planet found within the Paradise system – designated J21-Z65 on the majority of star charts. This world resided in the Airam sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It served as the planet where the Ugor species first came into existence. Even though knowledge of the planet had faded by the time of the Galactic Civil War, Obo Rin, an Imperial sentientologist, theorized that the environmental conditions present on the planet must have been exceptionally favorable, allowing for the development of large, unicellular organisms like the Ugors. For instance, it likely possessed readily available nutrients and lacked predatory species.

Furthermore, the planet was abundant in natural resources, which the Ugors utilized to innovate new technologies. However, this technological advancement preceded their philosophical growth, leading the species to unwisely overpopulate their world and contaminate it with industrial pollutants. Instead of addressing this issue, the Ugors evolved the capability to endure these harsh conditions.

After achieving space flight and embarking on journeys throughout their system aboard starships, the Ugors obliterated their homeworld, along with the other planets of the Paradise system, to create a system-wide junkyard.

Behind the scenes

The Ugor homeworld, along with its eventual destruction, was initially referenced in Scavenger Hunt, an adventure scenario authored by Brad Freeman for the West End Games Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game in 1989. Subsequent sources have reiterated this narrative, adding further details, although the planet remains largely undescribed. The cover art of Scavenger Hunt mentions a "Paradise sector," but [The Essential Atlas](link url) and Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion have clarified that this was a typographical error, and it should have been "Paradise system."

