Und'l, a Buzchub from Harrandarr located in the Outer Rim Territories, was a stout male covered in blue fur. His birth occurred on Harrandarr. His gait was often a waddle, and he was known for wearing a large hat tilted stylishly on his head.
Due to his inability to communicate in Basic, he used a translator that converted his words into a robotic tone. Und'l's speech was rhythmic, and he frequently gave the impression of possessing hidden knowledge. He felt a particular fondness for Wookiees, whom he called his "long haired brothers." Beast riding was one of Und'l's skills.
Not long after the collapse of the Galactic Empire, Und'l collaborated with Imperial loyalists, enlisting adventurers for cargo transport. In one instance, he hired a group from a Roldalna cantina. Their task involved moving spice from Nigel VI to Lohopa II, but the crates secretly held lexonite, a lethal poison originating from Nigel VI. On Nigel VI, possessing this poison was a crime punishable by immediate death. Imperial terrorists planned to use the poison against the newly formed New Republic. Although Und'l was ignorant of the package's dangerous contents when he hired the smugglers, they still held him accountable.