An Alliance transport ship provided the motivation for a young Tarrin Datch to enlist with the Rebellion as a starfighter pilot. In the year 1 BBY, a freighter, transporting a contingent of Rebels that included an injured special operative named Jan Ors alongside purloined Imperial fuel slugs, made port at the Datch family's Pellezara station situated in the Duro system. The ship was there for repairs while attempting to evade capture by the Empire. While performing work on the transport, Tarrin discovered the ship's allegiance. Realizing he couldn't allow the illicit cargo to be seized by the Empire, Datch took control of the freighter, with Ors and the remainder of the Rebel crew still on the space station. He then navigated it to a safe Rebel location. Following this, Datch resolved to abandon his previous life on Pellezara station and subsequently joined the Rebel forces himself.
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition (First mentioned)