In the year 32 BBY, the Trade Federation launched an invasion of the planet Naboo. A Human resident of Naboo, specifically a young man filled with rage, escaped into the swamps surrounding Theed, the capital city of Naboo. While lost in the wilderness, he was subjected to the hypnotic control of Savor Kibbs, a compelling Dark Force Adept who had previously been denied training by the Jedi Council. Under Kibbs' influence, the angry young man transformed into an irrational zealot who opposed the rule of Padmé Amidala, Naboo's Queen, and promoted Kibbs as a superior figure.
Kibbs formulated a scheme to exploit the angry young man, alongside other refugees he had swayed, to sabotage the peace agreement between the Naboo people and the native Gungans, with the goal of seizing planetary control for himself. Lialla Tane, a Human female operative working for the Naboo Underground, uncovered some elements of this plot. The Underground, an organization known for its successful resistance against the Trade Federation's occupation, deployed several skilled agents, primarily students from Theed's Royal House of Learning led by Tane, to investigate Kibb's rebel group. Upon discovering Kibbs' encampment, the angry young man and other rebels, including a Gungan warrior and a tough-looking woman, challenged the beliefs of the Underground's agents.
Ultimately, Savor Kibbs personally intervened, assaulting the agents using Force powers and a reprogrammed Droideka, but he was ultimately defeated. The dark influence he exerted over his followers dissipated, and the refugees, including the angry young man, were returned to Theed and restored to their normal mental state.