A landing craft of the C-9979 variety was deployed by the Trade Federation during their invasion of the planet Naboo in the year 32 BBY. Onboard the battleship Saak'ak, the Jedi Padawan known as Obi-Wan Kenobi made his escape using this very vessel. His Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, instructed him to sabotage the craft's communication systems to prevent it from alerting the rest of the invading forces about his presence as a stowaway.
Kenobi then confronted the B1-Series battle droids who were guarding the communication equipment. During the skirmish, the equipment retracted beneath protective shields. After eliminating the droids, he activated switches to reveal the gear. With a swift strike of his lightsaber, he disabled the communication systems. This disruption immediately drew attention from other droids on the ship. Battle droid squad 8313 was dispatched to investigate the situation. Kenobi eliminated this squad and proceeded further into the ship, eventually reaching the initial storage bay for the Armored Assault Tank. He fought his way through the droids stationed there and continued into the second Armored Assault Tank storage bay.
Jinn re-established contact with Kenobi, instructing him to either reach the engine room or the main control room to disable the craft and force its landing. Kenobi made his way to the atmospheric turbine room, where he eliminated the two droids guarding the entrance. He then manipulated both sets of controls to shut down the turbines. Droid 8557 was dispatched to investigate the anomaly, but its mission was abruptly ended by a strike from Kenobi's lightsaber. Kenobi then proceeded through the door that 8557 had unlocked, which led him to the navigation room. The young Jedi destroyed all the droids present and disabled the hologram of Naboo, which allowed him to access the platform beneath the hologram emitter. Kenobi followed this path and found himself on the upper catwalk of the Multi-Troop Transport bay. He descended to the main floor and headed toward the airlock, where he encountered a new type of assassin droid wielding a cortosis blade. After defeating the assassin droid, Jinn instructed Kenobi to find cover until the ship made its landing.
Upon reaching the planet's surface, Kenobi disembarked from the craft and sought refuge in the swamps of Naboo to reunite with Master Jinn.
The video game Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace video game, released in 1999, features a cutscene depicting Kenobi's infiltration of a C-9979 landing craft. Additionally, Kenobi's exit from the craft is depicted in the comic book Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi, also released in 1999. However, the appearance of the craft in the video game Star Wars: Obi-Wan from 2001, specifically during the mission titled Stowaway, presents inconsistencies with the internal layout of the C-9979 landing craft as depicted in Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections. In the game, players assume the role of Kenobi and have the option to use his lightsaber or Force abilities to either defeat or evade the enemy droids. The path beneath the navigation room is one possible route, and players can also opt for a longer path to the MTT storage bay. Players are required to open the hangar door and then take an elevator down to the bay. This article assumes that the player chose to take the shortcut.