Unidentified Czerka Corporation protocol officer

A Human female held the position of protocol officer for the Czerka Corporation's branch office. Her office was situated in the Anchorhead settlement, located on the desert world of Tatooine during the era of the Jedi Civil War. Her official duties involved acting as a representative for Czerka, assisting customers and responding to inquiries. However, most of her time was spent dodging difficult questions, often directing dissatisfied individuals to contact Czerka's main offices on Coruscant.


During Revan's visit to Anchorhead, as he searched for a Rakatan Star Map on that planet, the protocol officer presented him with a substantial offer. She wanted him to eliminate the Sand People who were causing problems for Czerka's mining activities near Anchorhead. Nevertheless, using HK-47's translation skills, Revan successfully negotiated a peaceful solution. The protocol officer only required the Sand People chieftain's gaffi stick as proof of completion, which the chieftain willingly gave to Revan to show his gratitude. Because of this, she likely never discovered the true fate of the Sand People tribe.

After a pause, she also gave Revan information concerning Mission Vao's brother, Griff. Based on what she had learned from his supervisor, he wasn't a very reliable employee. He frequently feigned injuries and complained to avoid working. He also submitted false time sheets and slept while on duty. Czerka Corporation even suspected him of stealing supplies, although the Czerka Corporation Protocol Officer said they could never prove it. Before Revan's arrival on Tatooine, Griff had apparently been kidnapped by Sand People. The Czerka Corporation Protocol Officer told Revan that they had not attempted any rescue operations. She stated that all miners employed by Czerka Corporation must sign a waiver releasing Czerka Corporation from responsibility in situations like these. Essentially, she explained, it was not cost effective to search for him indefinitely. Because Griff's body was never recovered, the Czerka Corporation Protocol Officer presumed he had been taken as a prisoner.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the player, controlling Revan, has the option to wipe out the Sand People tribe entirely. This action also leads to the Star Map and earns Czerka's reward for the chieftain's gaffi. However, this choice is considered a dark-side decision and is therefore not considered canon.

