A Grand Mage was a Gotal male who possessed the rank of Grand Mage within the Order of the Canted Circle in the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, effectively serving as the organization's head. He sought to recruit Hego Damask, the affluent Muun executive of Damask Holdings, into the Order, an endeavor that proved unsuccessful. Despite this, Damask maintained a keen interest in the Order, frequently attending its rituals and hosting the Gotal at clandestine Gatherings on his private moon. In 52 BBY, the Grand Mage opted to bestow membership in the Order upon Larsh Hill, a highly reliable operative and associate of Hego Damask. However, the initiation ceremony was targeted in an attack on Damask by Maladian assassins contracted by [Pax Teem]. Consequently, a group of Maladian assassins murdered the Gotal Mage, along with other Order members present, and then impersonated members of the Canted Circle to deceive and ensnare the Muuns.