Unidentified green arthropod

This unidentified green arthropod found himself enslaved by the Totem Master on the forest moon of Endor. While under the Totem Master's domination, his eyes glowed red, a clear indication of his forced obedience to the larcenous master.


Together with a brown biped and a blue biped, this arthropod became part of a large totem pole, occupying the top position. The Totem Master would then present this totem pole to various villages, deceiving them into accepting it by preying on their pride. Once the villagers were asleep, the Totem Master would release his enslaved minions from their static formation, and they would then steal any valuables from the village. After returning the stolen goods to their leader, the Totem Master would command the three individuals to resume their totem configuration.

Around 3 ABY, the totem containing this arthropod was gifted to the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick by the Totem Master, with the intention of robbing Bright Tree Village. Despite warnings from his friend, Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Wicket brought the totem back to his village. Once the Ewoks were asleep, the Totem Master unleashed his slaves, who then proceeded to steal anything they could find. The green arthropod entered a hut and stole several blankets, which he then delivered to his master. Following the looting, the Totem Master enslaved the young Ewoks, Teebo and Latara, incorporating them into the Totem Slaves and placing them at the top of the totem pole. The Totem Master then traveled to the Strutter Village, hoping to replicate his scheme. However, during the attempted theft, Wicket and Kneesaa, who had come to rescue their friends, disrupted the operation. The Totem Master commanded his servants to attack the two Ewoks, but Wicket managed to turn the Totem Master's powers against him, transforming him into a totem himself and liberating the green arthropod. The arthropod, along with his two companions, celebrated their newfound freedom and fled into the forest.

