The gundarks, a predatory species considered non-sentient, established a nest on the lunar surface of Alaris Prime. Across the period spanning from 39 BBY to 36 BBY, this nest became the target of an assault conducted by both the Trade Federation Droid Army and a contingent of Wookiee fighters, each independently pursuing efforts to colonize the moon. Ultimately, the nest's destruction resulted in the local extinction of gundarks on Alaris Prime.
On the moon named Alaris Prime, the gundarks—a species of non-sentient predators—constructed a nest. This nest was situated within a small clearing located within one of the forests of Alaris Prime, accessible via a crossing of a shallow river. The terrain in the immediate vicinity was predominantly dirt-covered. The remains of several deceased gundarks were present within the nest itself.
During the years of 39 BBY to 36 BBY, two distinct entities—the commercial organization known as the Trade Federation and individuals belonging to the Wookiee race—sought to establish colonies on Alaris Prime. Encounters with the gundarks led both factions to initiate an attack with the intention to eliminate the gundark nest.

Following counsel from Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, dispatched by the Jedi High Council to oversee their colonial endeavors, the Wookiee settlers, under the command of Chewbacca, trained soldiers at a nearby outpost for the purpose of engaging the gundarks. Concurrently, the Trade Federation deployed a unit of Battle Droid Beta Versions from its military forces to eradicate the nest. The combat droids were the first to arrive, initiating an assault on the resident gundarks. Shortly thereafter, the Wookiees arrived at the nest, eliminating two gundarks in the immediate vicinity. After neutralizing all gundarks present at the nest, one of the battle droids issued an order for its fellow droids to engage the Wookiee warriors; however, the Wookiees retaliated, destroying all of the automatons. The attack resulted in the destruction of the nest and the extinction of the gundark species on Alaris Prime.
The gundark nest was initially featured in the 2001 LucasArts computer game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. The nest is a location in the third mission of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, entitled "Building an Army," where the player assumes control of the Wookiees and is required to train soldiers to launch an assault on the gundarks.