Unidentified H'nemthe

A H'nemthe, characterized by its blue-gray skin, was an inhabitant of the palace belonging to Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Hutt crime lord, on Tatooine during 4 ABY. This H'nemthe could be seen in Jabba's throne room, positioned near an Aqualish and Leslomy Tacema, a Duros, when Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Knight, arrived with the intention of rescuing Han Solo, who was being held as a prisoner by the Hutt. After Skywalker was thrown into the pit of Jabba's rancor and subsequently defeated the beast, he was escorted past the H'nemthe by several guards of the palace to stand before Jabba for his sentencing.

Behind the scenes

The H'nemthe, who appeared in Jabba's Palace, is briefly noticeable in a background shot of Richard Marquand's 1983 movie, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The mask used for this character had been previously utilized on the set of the 1977 film, Star Wars, where it served as the head of M'iiyoom Onith in the Mos Eisley Cantina scene.

Furthermore, a Human was also present within Jabba's Palace, wearing a completely identical version of the H'nemthe's costume, except that a black helmet was in place of the H'nemthe mask.

