Unidentified Human senator

A Human male holding the position of senator within the Galactic Republic's Senate during the Jedi Civil War was stationed on the planet of Coruscant. This individual acquired the assassin droid known as HK-47, subsequently employing the droid to eliminate those who opposed him politically. The senator eventually commanded HK-47 to assassinate his wife due to her infidelity. However, he experienced remorse and, as HK-47 attempted to carry out the assassination, the senator intervened, shielding his wife from the droid's attack, resulting in his own demise.


The senator obtained HK-47 as a bribe from a rival Hutt of Bochaba from Sleheyron. Both the Hutt and the senator were unaware of the assassination capabilities of the droid. The senator believed HK-47 to be a simple protocol droid. This perception changed when an assistant discovered the droid's true purpose through interrogation and advised the senator to destroy it to prevent a scandal. Instead, the senator instructed HK-47 to kill the assistant. The droid remained with the senator, aiding in the removal of his political rivals. The senator was progressing towards election as the Supreme Chancellor, but circumstances shifted unexpectedly.

The senator's subsequent order to HK-47 was to assassinate his own wife, whom he had discovered was unfaithful. As HK-47 approached his wife and her lover to execute them, the senator abruptly regretted his command and positioned himself between HK-47 and the intended targets as the droid initiated the attack. Inadvertently causing his master's death, the droid was forced to shut down. The senator's wife later sold him to a low-ranking commercial officer of Systech Corporation. HK-47 speculates that his master's protection of his wife was not driven by conscience, but by fear that her murder could be traced back to him.

