Unidentified Iktotchi prophet

A prophetic Iktotchi female, strong in the Force, possessed remarkable precognitive talents and amassed followers on Saleucami during the First Century BBY.


Around the year 70 BBY, this prophet, originally from the Inner Rim, established herself on Saleucami, where she cultivated a substantial following. Unbeknownst to her, the Bith Sith Lord Darth Venamis had her name on a list of potential Sith apprentices.

Approximately in 67 BBY, after Venamis was defeated in a duel by the Muun Dark Lord Darth Plagueis, Plagueis discovered this list and resolved to investigate Venamis's candidates to determine if they presented any danger to him or the Grand Plan.

Plagueis journeyed to Saleucami and appeared before the prophet amidst a large gathering. There, the Iktotchi reportedly predicted significant events of the subsequent half-century with astonishing precision. Her prophecies included a devastating galaxy-wide war between "machines of alloy and machines of flesh" that would cause the collapse of the Republic, catastrophe for the Jedi Order, and the rise of a New Order under "a ruthless despot who serves the forces of entropy." She advocated embracing the impending darkness as the sole path to survival, urging her audience to approach her and receive her touch to embark on their path to recreation.

As Plagueis approached, she grasped his hands and immediately discerned his identity as a well-educated and affluent Muun. Sensing that "he wore the darkness of the future," she declared that he was the one she had been seeking. Plagueis, holding her hands firmly, informed the prophet that she posed a threat to his objectives and terminated her life with Force lightning channeled through his grip. By ending her life, the Dark Lord eliminated what he perceived as a proponent of an outdated and perilous ideology, the same ideology that had led to the downfall of the ancient Sith, and a menace to the inevitable future.


Following her assassination by Plagueis, the prophet's visions materialized: in 22 BBY, the Clone Wars fractured the Republic, and three years later, Palpatine, Darth Plagueis's apprentice, transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, and oppressed countless species and planets.

