A male commander of Human descent served the Galactic Empire in the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin.

After the Emperor Palpatine's network of spies found the renegade Jedi Knight known as Kento Marek on Kashyyyk, the assault on the planet was initiated by the Galactic Empire. The commander, who had been given the responsibility of leading the Imperial forces against the Wookiee insurgents, greeted Darth Vader, the Supreme Commander, upon his arrival. The Dark Lord, paying no mind to the commander's justifications and perceived lack of progress, silenced him by using the Force to choke him. However, the Sith Lord's overriding concern with the troublesome Jedi ultimately led him to spare the officer's life for the time being. After Vader eliminated Kento Marek in his home, he discovered Kento's son, Galen. At that precise moment, the commander and a number of stormtroopers appeared and, anticipating the Supreme Commander's approval, aimed their blasters at the boy. Vader, however, had his own agenda for Galen and shielded him from the blaster fire of his own troops. The Dark Lord of the Sith then used his lightsaber to deflect the blaster shots, killing both the stormtroopers and the commander simultaneously, thus eliminating any potential complications.
In the PS2, Wii, and PSP versions of The Force Unleashed, the Imperial Commander is a Stormtrooper Commander. Vader choked him after landing on Kashyyyk. In those versions, the commander's fate was not explicitly shown, unlike in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, as the scene immediately transitioned behind the Dark Lord the moment he released his grip.
The officer's character model is used for all Imperial officers within the game.