Unidentified Imperial Governor (Gandle Ott)

A governor held dominion over the planet of Gandle Ott in the initial years of the New Republic. This individual served first the Galactic Empire, and subsequently the warlord Moff Kentor Sarne. Demonstrating allegiance to Sarne, the governor vacated their position upon Sarne's command, integrating into his fleet subsequent to its arrival at Gandle Ott, which followed Sarne's defeat at Kal'Shebbol.

Personality and traits

Possessing administrative skill, the governor's desertion of their post plunged the planet's political hierarchy into disarray. Furthermore, the governor displayed greater fidelity to Moff Sarne than to the Galactic Empire itself.

Behind the scenes

The governor received a mention within Death Is Remotely Possible, which constitutes the third RPG adventure featured in The DarkStryder Campaign. This campaign was released by West End Games during 1995. The governor was not physically present within the adventure, having departed Gandle Ott before the scenario's initiation.

