Unidentified Lutrillian warehouse manager

This Lutrillian male had his base of operations on Lothal amidst the growing presence of the Galactic Empire and its intensified suppression of opposition on the planet. As a warehouse supervisor, the Lutrillian occasionally consented to hide people sought by the Empire for transgressions, accepting credits as compensation. These arrangements were frequently facilitated by the criminal network known as the Gray Syndicate.

Holshef, a poet and artist wanted for his anti-Empire sentiments, was one of these individuals. After the assault on the Gray Syndicate that led to the death of its head, Merei Spanjaf located this Lutrillian, compensating him with credits to ensure Holshef's safety for the duration of a week. After that week, she discovered him in a highly anxious state due to the Empire's intensified crackdown on dissidents. She compensated him once more to safeguard Holshef for an additional ten days, but he cautioned her that this was the final extension possible.

