Unidentified Mandalorian Cuy'val Dar instructor

A Mandalorian warrior was brought into the Cuy'val Dar by the bounty hunter known as Jango Fett. His purpose was to assist in the training of the clone commandos serving within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. As one of seventy-five Mandalorian sergeants within the one-hundred strong Cuy'val Dar, this instructor was responsible for preparing numerous clone cadets for future commando operations during his time on Kamino. He also imparted his knowledge of Mandalorian culture to the clone trainees under his charge. Among the soldiers he instructed was a clone trooper who chose the name Kaddak. Their relationship became strained and confrontational. Ultimately, the two engaged in combat, and Kaddak, using only his bare hands, killed his Mandalorian instructor.

During the training of his assigned clone troops, the Mandalorian instructor was equipped with a full suit of Mandalorian armor, a jetpack, and a cape.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of this unnamed Mandalorian instructor in Star Wars canon occurred within the second issue of the Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows comic book series. The issue was authored by [Tim Siedell]((/article/tim_siedell) and saw publication on January 15, 2014.

