Unidentified mercenary pilot

A mercenary, a male Human, found employment with Jabba the Hutt. During the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon which took place in 4 ABY, he served as a guard aboard the second skiff. Luke Skywalker kicked him into the sarlacc pit, resulting in his death. He was wearing a tan uniform with a black helmet, and he was armed with a DL-18 Blaster Pistol.

Behind the scenes

The man being kicked by Luke Skywalker

This character is the victim of what is known as a "Force kick," which is a reference to a poorly executed and filmed fight scene from the movie Return of the Jedi. In the scene, Mark Hamill, playing Luke Skywalker, kicks the mercenary in the head, causing him to plummet into the sarlacc pit. The term is used humorously to imply that Luke utilized Force telekinesis to cause the henchman to fall, rather than the force of the kick itself.

In the Star Wars canon, the character was finally given the name Sion in the 2023 anthology book titled From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi.

