A mobile way station served as a key element in Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit's personal plot. His plan involved stealing parts from Project Stardust for his own purposes. To operate this station, he enlisted pirates under the command of the Dashades Maliss and Sorath. This crew utilized the station's hyperdrive to jump to star systems located close to the Kurost transfer point. There, they would seize starships, staging it to look like gralloc raids, and then bring them back to the way station. The Grysks eventually assaulted the station, resulting in Maliss's death, along with eighteen other crew members, and the capture of the remaining personnel. While investigating the supposed gralloc attacks, Grand Admiral Thrawn uncovered the way station and the deceased crew.
The mobile station included docking collars on opposite sides allowing for expedited off-loading of cargo from one ship and transfer to another, with sorting and repackaging facilities aboard the station itself, along with a hyperdrive and thrusters. Commodore Karyn Faro had seen such installations utilized by smugglers, pirates, rebels, and those dealing in contraband.