Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala are pictured on the veranda of Varykino, looking out at the lake.
Within the Lake Country region of Naboo lies this lake, which served as the location for Varykino. Varykino was once the residence of the well-known poet, Omar Berenko, and later became the home of the Naberrie family. House Palpatine's ancestral home, called Convergence, was constructed on a large meadow near the water's edge, a distance away from Varykino, and one of its porches provided a view of the lake.
Padmé Amidala recounted that her Level Three class utilized Varikyno for a scholastic retreat, and the students frequently swam to a small island located across the lake.
The actual lake used for filming in Episode II is Lake Como, found in Italy. The Villa del Balbianello, which overlooks the lake, was the location where the Varykino scenes were shot.