Unidentified New Republic reptilian diplomat

The reptilian species' diplomat, who possessed prominent neck frills and a wide tail, made an appearance in the New Republic. This [diplomat](/article/diplomat/legends] sported a light blue, flowing outfit and kept a [rugger](/article/rugger/legends] as a companion.

Behind the scenes

Terryl Whitlatch created the artwork for this character in The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide, which was released in 2001 by Chronicle Books. This character's design bears a similarity to the Viis Empire inhabitants from the Alien Chronicles series, another project Whitlatch illustrated. The similarity includes the Viis' attire as depicted on the Alien Chronicles website.


  • The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide (First pictured)

Notes and references

The Viis species as illustrated by Terryl Whitlatch.
