Unidentified rock-like species

A being of lithoid nature, displaying a humanoid form with four appendages, was discovered inhabiting a planet characterized by its rocky landscape. The physical appearance of this species allowed them to seamlessly integrate with their environment, resembling towering rock structures until they initiated movement. They possessed the capacity for speech and exhibited sufficient intelligence to operate blasters.


While disoriented and lost, C-3PO and R2-D2 came across several individuals from this species. One of these beings discharged a blaster in the direction of the droids, subsequently requesting sustenance in a language comprehensible to the protocol droid. Threepio provided the extraterrestrial with a container of C-3PO's breakfast grains, which it enjoyed and subsequently requested additional portions of. A group of other members of its kind then moved toward the droids, also seeking the breakfast grains, which caused C-3PO considerable alarm.

Behind the scenes

The droids encounter several members of the species.

The sole instance of this extraterrestrial species being depicted occurred within a single promotional advertisement for C-3PO's breakfast cereal. Although only a single alien communicated verbally, multiple others, varying in size, were present.

