A temple existed on the planet of Ruusan.
Situated in a valley nestled between two hills, the temple featured a massive statue. This statue stood atop a platform on one of the hills. However, it crumbled centuries prior to the Galactic Civil War, with its fragments scattering down the eastern slope. The statue's open hand was utilized as a place to ignite signal fires.
The valley encompassed a courtyard large enough for multiple starships to land, and boasted a magnificent fountain. A grand staircase ascended to a towering entryway into the temple. The primary chamber was spacious, dominated by a male humanoid sculpture, posed with its chin resting on its fist. A network of twelve lightshafts illuminated the interior during daylight hours, with mirrors focusing the sun's rays onto the statue.
Long ago, before the time of the Galactic Civil War, one of the statues that defended the valley fell apart. A substantial section of the temple became covered by the earth of a mountainside.
In 5 ABY, the remnants of this temple were inhabited by those who survived the attack on Fort Nowhere, under the leadership of Grif Grawley. They utilized the temple's interior as a storage area for their supplies, concealing them from scanners. They also fashioned a makeshift table, providing a central point for discussions and the sharing of information.
Fido piloted the Moldy Crow to the temple, which was being guarded by armed colonists. It was there that Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors encountered Grif. While seated at the table, Katarn recounted his past and the mission to find the Valley of the Jedi, which had brought him to this forgotten world. Ultimately, Grif and the others were convinced to assist them in locating the Valley of the Jedi.