The stalk-eyed species was a sentient species found across the expanse of the galaxy.

These extraterrestrial beings possessed a reptilian physical form and seemingly averaged around 0.6 meters in height. Their most notable characteristic was their eyes, which were mounted on stalks, giving them the apparent ability to look in multiple directions simultaneously. They also displayed a pronounced underbite, characterized by numerous small, sharp teeth protruding from their lower jaw.
While most individuals of this species possessed four arms, some seemed to have only two. Each arm terminated in a three-fingered hand, complete with an opposable thumb. Similarly, their feet had three toes each.

Within the criminal underworld, two members of this species collaborated with Gornt Seron, the Hethas criminal mastermind operating from the planet Korbin. These two had direct interactions with Seron, suggesting a relatively close relationship. Other individuals of the species were observed on the planet Tresidiss, a place known for its gambling dens managed by Herglic criminal organizations, where they appeared to be actively involved.
Additional members of this species also resided on Derilyn within the Elrood sector.
Although this species remains unnamed, they have been depicted as background characters in at least five illustrations created by Mike Vilardi for the West End Games roleplaying game sourcebooks. Their appearance bears resemblance to the Glurrgs featured in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. In 2011, prompted by a fan, Vilardi officially named the species "seidaots" (pronounced "say-day-ahts"), also known as "seidaotians."