Within the Separatist Droid Army, serving as a B1-series battle droid, was Unit 2953. This particular droid was known for his constant complaining, which made him unpopular among his fellow battle droids. Consequently, while the others enjoyed card games, he was assigned to carry out military duties. During the Clone Wars, specifically around 22 BBY, Asajj Ventress deployed her droid forces to the planet of Rodia with the objective of acquiring an artifact known as the Death Brick. Stationed on Rodia, Unit 2953's task was to patrol and defend against the forces of the Galactic Republic. Excluded from the card game and tasked with eliminating any Republic clone troopers he encountered, the droid utilized a Single Trooper Aerial Platform for reconnaissance. Lost in his complaints about his unfavorable situation, he failed to spot a Republic All Terrain Tactical Enforcer and collided with its mass-driver cannon. Despite the impact, he survived, but his head became lodged in the cannon. While stuck and helpless, he called for assistance from a OG-9 homing spider droid, which promptly arrived. However, before the spider droid could engage the AT-TE, the clone trooper manning the mass-driver cannon swiftly redirected the weapon towards the spider droid, launching Unit 2953 into it. The resulting blast caused the spider droid to collapse, but Unit 2953 survived once more, although his head became trapped on the spider droid, leaving him struggling to free himself near the AT-TE.

A B1-series battle droid manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata, Unit 2953 fought for the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars. He was not well-liked by his fellow droid units due to his constant complaining. While the other battle droids spent their downtime playing cards, Unit 2953 was consistently excluded and assigned to perform military duties, a situation that greatly frustrated him. Over time, the droid's resentment continued to build.
Around 22 BBY, Separatist commander Asajj Ventress led her droid forces to the planet Rodia with the goal of securing the Death Brick. Unit 2953 was part of the droid contingent stationed on the planet when a Galactic Republic task force arrived to ensure the planet's safety.

Once again excluded from the card game, Unit 2953 received orders to patrol and eliminate any Republic forces he encountered. Utilizing a Single Trooper Aerial Platform, he set out to fulfill his mission. As he flew across the jungle terrain, Unit 2953 voiced his displeasure, feeling that he had reached his limit with his comrades' treatment. So absorbed in his complaints about his situation, he failed to notice the Republic All Terrain Tactical Enforcer transporting three Jedi, High General Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Anakin Skywalker and |Commander Ahsoka Tano, who were returning from a confrontation with Ventress. Before Unit 2953 could identify the walker, he flew directly into the AT-TE's mass-driver cannon, becoming stuck.
Unable to free himself from the cannon, Unit 2953 desperately tried to dislodge himself. When his efforts failed, he called for help, which arrived in the form of a OG-9 homing spider droid that positioned itself behind nearby trees, ready to attack the AT-TE. However, the clone trooper operating the AT-TE cannon quickly redirected the massive weapon towards the spider droid and opened fire. The blast dislodged Unit 2953, sending him flying towards the spider droid. He collided with the spider droid, and while he survived, his head became lodged inside the spider droid, which collapsed due to the damage from the blast. The AT-TE continued its advance, leaving the frustrated battle droid struggling to free himself. The STAP he had been using continued to fly on its own, eventually passing by a camp where two of his colleagues were playing cards with Clone trooper commander CC-2224 and another clone trooper. Unit 2953's absence was noticed by one of the B1 droids, who asked if anyone had seen him, but the other B1 questioned the importance of the droid's whereabouts, stating that Unit 2953 was always complaining too much anyway.

Unit 2953 was a B1 battle droid who was typically assigned military duties while his fellow droids engaged in card games. The other droids believed he was constantly complaining and would exclude him from the card games with false sympathy, claiming there were not enough seats. This greatly upset Unit 2953, and during his time on Rodia, he expressed his frustration, stating that he had had enough of his treatment, and while shaking his fist in anger, he vowed that things would change. While piloting his STAP, the droid spoke to himself and did not diligently monitor the area for Republic forces, as he was more focused on complaining about his status within the droid army. This led to his head becoming stuck in the AT-TE's cannon, which he had failed to notice in time. When his attempts to free himself failed, he requested "a little help" from the OG-9 homing spider droid. When Unit 2953 was launched from the cannon and collided with the spider droid, he simply expressed his feelings by saying "Ouch". With his head trapped again, he yelled at the AT-TE as it moved on and repeatedly tried to detach himself from the spider droid, again without success.
Unit 2953 made his sole appearance in Sith make the best pancakes, a comic featured on the LEGO Star Wars website, released in early 2009. The comic, also added to StarWars.com on October 21, 2009, is considered non-canon.