Unpermitted windfishing skiff

The Unpermitted windfishing skiff, situated within the Grazing Fields area of the moon Toshara, functioned as a solitary windfishing structure. However, in 3 ABY, it lacked the necessary authorization from the Galactic Empire.

In that very year, the scoundrel named Kay Vess made her way to the skiff. At the time, a contingent of imperials were present, subjecting the skiff's proprietors to arrest. Vess intervened, assisting in the removal of the imperials, and in return, the skiff's personnel bestowed upon her a collection of Reed flutes. Additionally, during her visit, Vess pilfered a copy of episode forty-three of Glarnok & Yabassi from the premises.

Behind the scenes

The Unpermitted windfishing skiff was featured in Star Wars Outlaws, a video game released in 2024 by Massive Entertainment. The location itself did not receive a direct name within the game. The Reed flutes acquired as a reward for the interaction at the skiff could be used as a customization option, a trophy for the S57 Cardinal speeder bike.

