Urchins were a type of yellowish flower with a limited form of awareness; when disturbed, whether by touch or removal, they would react aggressively, launching their extended, purplish spines (also known as quills) towards any creature they deemed a threat. These quills were also attached to clumps at the base of the flower. If the entire plant was pulled from the ground, these quill-filled clumps would strike out at the perceived aggressor, similar to a ball attached to a string.
Gardulla the Hutt cultivated a collection of these harmful field flowers (along with other carnivorous flora and fauna) within the pleasure garden located at her Tatooine residence, which was situated close to the Dune Sea. She derived a perverse form of amusement from watching unsuspecting prisoners, forced into the garden for the twisted entertainment of herself and others, stumble upon an urchin and attempt to pick it (or worse, the entire plant). In 32 BBY, the clumsy one-eyed Abyssin giant named Gondry, who was chasing after run away slaves, became one of these hapless victims; after grabbing a bunch of urchins, he exclaimed 'Stupid flowers!' and then dedicated a significant amount of time to removing the purple spines from his foot while sitting down.