The USV-5, or the USV-5 Modified Landspeeder as it is sometimes called, functioned as a transport vehicle and was utilized to a degree during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Not long after the Clone Wars concluded, Orrin Gault possessed a USV-5; even though Tatooine was a remote planet, it was seen as a high-end vehicle there, and Gault employed it to maintain the illusion of being a prosperous moisture farmer, despite his hidden, overwhelming debt to Jabba the Hutt. A Bantha stampede subsequently resulted in the destruction of Gault's speeder.
Another individual who owned a USV-5 Modified Landspeeder was Hilbrun.
The USV-5 Modified Landspeeder can be found as a vehicle within the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. Although it appeared in several spots as part of the game's world, it was not accessible for player use until 2009, at which point it was offered as an award within the Chronicles system.