
Utapese, which is also referred to as Pau'an or Utapaun, served as the language utilized by the Pau'ans. It was included among the four languages that were frequently used on the planet Utapau, in conjunction with Utai, Galactic Basic Standard, and Amani. Utapese was characterized by the use of quiet, hissing sounds that differed in volume, which gave individuals who were not accustomed to it a serpentine feeling. In contrast to Basic, it employed single, extended sounds to express intricate concepts, instead of numerous words divided by silent breaks.


  • Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know (Initially recognized as Utapese)
  • Disciples of Harmony (First time it was mentioned)
  • Collapse of the Republic
  • " Scarif and Other Planets in the Outer Rim " — Star Wars Encyclopedia (Initially recognized as Utapaun)

Notes and references
