Once a member of the High King's Guard of Couronne, a planet, Utris M'Toc was compelled to flee his homeworld due to a bloody coup. Later, he rose to a leadership role within the Wing Guard security force on Bespin's Cloud City, striving to safeguard the local citizenry from internal corruption. Known for his honesty and effectiveness, M'Toc consistently refused bribes while performing his duties.
Originally from the Imzig homeworld of Couronne, Utris M'Toc previously served in the ranks of the High King's Guard. Following a bloody coup, he was compelled to depart his species' planet.
Subsequently, M'Toc became part of the distinguished Wing Guard, responsible for maintaining security on Bespin's Cloud City. Working under city Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, who introduced an era of greater accountability to the previously corrupt Wing Guard, M'Toc dedicated himself to protecting Cloud City's citizens from the less scrupulous members of the local constabulary. M'Toc found himself at odds with Bislav Merril, an oppressive Wing Guard commander who treated his fellow Cloud City troopers with contempt.
During the Galactic Civil War in 3 ABY, M'Toc was stationed in Cloud City when Imperial forces, led by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, arrived in pursuit of Rebel Alliance agents. The ensuing Imperial takeover of Cloud City forced Calrissian to escape Bespin, leaving the Wing Guards with the responsibility to do all they could to defend their city from the Empire.

Utris M'Toc, as a leader within the Bespin Wing Guard, approached the vital task of Cloud City's security with both honesty and efficiency. He strived to defend the inhabitants of Cloud City from the corruption that existed within the Wing Guard. In contrast to other Cloud City troopers, M'Toc consistently refused to accept bribes. Being a member of the humanoid Imzig species, M'Toc possessed light skin with hints of blue on his face, along with light-brown hair.
The dark-blue uniform of the Bespin Wing Guard was worn by Utris M'Toc. Distinctively, his tunic featured gold piping along the collar, arms, and bottom trim, accompanied by a unique gold neck adornment. He also wore a gold ring on the third finger of his left hand. M'Toc was armed with a Relby-k23 blaster pistol and a baton, which he kept holstered on his left and right hips, respectively.
The character Utris M'Toc first appeared in the Cloud City Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game from Decipher in November 1997. The card, named "Trooper Utris M'Toc" card, showcased a still photograph of a unique-looking alien security guard against the backdrop of Cloud City, supposedly taken from the 1980 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
According to Star Wars author Stephen J. Sansweet, this alien guard was considered for inclusion in The Empire Strikes Back, but was apparently never filmed and is only visible in still production photos taken on the set. While writing the 1999 reference book Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive, Sansweet also pointed out the unique gold trim on the character's uniform, which differed from that of other Bespin Wing Guards. He suggested that this likely indicated officer rank.
With the exception of the 2014 Star Wars Insider 148 article "Rogues Gallery: The Cloud City Wing Guard," which styles the name as "M'toc," all sources that mention Utris M'Toc by name spell his surname as "M'Toc."
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Cloud City Limited (Card: Trooper Utris M'Toc) (backup link) (First mentioned)
- Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Special Edition Limited (Card: Sergeant Merril) (backup link)
- Star Wars: The Legacy Collection (Pack: Cloud City Wing Guard (Sergeant Edian)) (backup link)
- Star Wars: The Legacy Collection (Pack: Cloud City Wing Guard (Utris M'Toc)) (backup link)
- Star Wars: The Vintage Collection (Pack: Special Action Figure Set – Bespin Alliance) (backup link)
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection
- " Rogues Gallery: The Cloud City Wing Guards " — Star Wars Insider 148