Uvak competition

During the Presentation celebration on [Kesh](/article/kesh/legends], a planet, the young members of the Lost Tribe of Sith participated in a competition. The purpose of this contest was to acquire a uvak, a winged reptilian species used for transport. The contestants were required to use the dark side of the Force to force a newly-hatched uvak to imprint on them. Vestara Khai, known as Sith Tyro, succeeded in winning a uvak in this challenge in 37 ABY, and she named it Tikk.

Here's how the contest was structured: Every participant needed to grab a cushion from a container and sit along the edge of the pen. This pen was a circular space of open ground enclosed by a barrier. An incubation droid would then come into the pen and place twelve uvak eggs on the ground. Disqualification would occur if a competitor left their cushion. While mind control was permitted, helping the uvaks hatch was forbidden.

