Uvak stables

Uvak stables The Uvak stables at Eorm Located on Eorm, the Uvak stables served as the housing facility for the town's complete collection of uvaks. These sizable, winged reptiles were employed as a mode of transport on the planet Kesh. Back in 2974 BBY, Kaliska, who was the leader of the Doomed, together with Takara Hilts, a Sith princess, utilized the Force power known as animal friendship. Their combined effort successfully persuaded all the uvaks within the stables to transport them back to Eshkrene via flight. This particular event had the effect of denying Remulus Dreypa, a Sith Lord, of his aerial forces. Simultaneously, it furnished the Doomed with riding beasts, which then empowered their participation in the Battle of Sessal Spire.

