The Vaathkree people originated and evolved on the planet known as Vaathkree. Their bodies were encased in natural armor plating, giving them a resemblance to beings constructed from stone and metal. The Vaathkree were widely recognized for their dedication to the practices of trade and bartering. Remarkably, the name of their religious belief system, loosely translated from Basic, was "The Deal."

Vaathkree possessed an extended lifespan, ranging from 300 to 350 standard years, and experienced a unique two-stage life cycle. Their existence began as small, formless, non-sentient entities referred to as Stonesingers. These Stonesingers traversed the lava plains of Vaathkree, integrating fragments of stone and metal into their physical composition. Their unique metabolism enabled them to assimilate minerals, which were subsequently transformed into robust armor scales covering their external skin. Around the age of nine, Stonesingers reached a height of approximately one meter, yet maintained a fluid physical structure. They also started to develop rudimentary intelligence, and were instructed by adult Vaathkree in the principles and practices of The Deal.
As their cognitive abilities matured, the young Stonesingers gradually lost their fluid nature, necessitating the selection of a specific physical form. Given the Vaathkree's long-standing involvement with the Galactic Republic for several millennia, this form typically resembled a Human-sized humanoid shape. However, some Stonesingers opted for alternative forms tailored to their intended professional pursuits. Stonesingers transitioned into adult Vaathkree at approximately twenty years of age.

Principles such as bartering, negotiation, sales strategies, and supply and demand were deeply embedded within the Vaathkree cultural framework. Consequently, they were recognized as one of the most distinguished trading species throughout the galaxy. A specific trade route, known as the Vaathkree Trade Corridor, was named in their honor. Over the course of their history, the Vaathkree developed a sophisticated trade language specifically designed for discussing business transactions. Individuals outside of the Vaathkree species found this language exceptionally challenging to comprehend, which generally proved advantageous for the Vaathkree in trade negotiations.
The Vaathkree were also the originators of a two-dimensional artistic medium referred to as Flatsculp, which shared stylistic similarities with Paonidd Extrassa Art.
At some point in their past, Vaathkree traders made contact with the Houk, an event that ultimately spurred that species to begin the colonization of other planets.
Notable individuals of the Vaathkree species within the galaxy included Valka, who was employed by the Herglic Hamar-Chaktak as a henchman, and Grosteek, who owned and managed the Farrimmer Cafe located on the Mynock 7 Space Station.