Hamar-Chaktak, a Herglic businessman, operated his company, Cargo Consolidated, Incorporated, within the Tapani sector's Freeworlds Territory.
Hamar, like many members of his species, possessed a large physique and a powerful, resonant voice, which he employed to command attention and respect. His skin was pale and smooth, and he habitually adorned himself with extravagant robes and valuable jewels.
A prosperous and affluent trader, Hamar dealt in various legitimate goods, including food supplies, minerals, and, on occasion, bacta. However, he was also known to engage in illicit activities, such as smuggling and slaving.
Essentially selfish, Hamar prioritized his own wealth and the safeguarding of his public image above all else. Although he could feign concern for others convincingly, he would not hesitate to ruin their lives to achieve his objectives.
Like many of his species, he was tempted by gambling, but he was more capable than most at resisting the allure. He had apparently learned through experience that the chances of profiting from gambling were slim. Despite this, he had a fondness for betting on Cracian thumper races and could often be seen at the racetrack on Tallaan, placing wagers.

In the Rebellion era, leading up to the Battle of Hoth, Hamar-Chaktak became entangled in a scheme to pilfer bacta. He informed a group of Rebel operatives, who were interested in acquiring a bacta shipment, that he could aid them in securing a bacta transport. He feigned sympathy for the Rebel cause, but in reality, he held no allegiance to either the Rebellion or the Empire. The bacta transport, known as Theta-2Y, was in fact owned by Hamar himself. His plan involved concealing a group of his mercenaries aboard the transport to overpower the Rebels after they had seized the vessel. He then intended to simulate the ship's destruction and collect the substantial insurance payout (200,000 credits) on both the bacta and the ship. Furthermore, he planned to sell the bacta transport to a pirate for 75,000 credits and the bacta to the Rebel Alliance for an additional 25,000.
Hamar-Chaktak also possessed a corvette named the Crusader and a Eliall-class container ship. In addition to his professional mercenaries, Hamar also employed a Vaathkree enforcer named Valka.