Cracian thumpers were herbivorous, two-legged creatures utilized as both mounts and beasts of burden. Originating on the planet of Craci within the Corporate Sector, these animals featured clawed forelimbs and hindlimbs, along with a robust tail. Their sizable, cushioned feet enabled them to move with surprising silence, a trait that contrasted sharply with their name, "thumper," which implied a noisy gait. Known for their loyalty and remarkable intelligence for burden-bearing animals, they could be trained to execute diverse tasks, discern patterns, and adhere to simple instructions. While typically docile, their claws and tail rendered them dangerous adversaries when threatened or trained for combat.
Their utility as mounts and pack animals led to widespread export of Cracian thumpers, establishing them as the most prevalent terrestrial mount across the galaxy. They were frequently employed by the Rebel Alliance, serving as a crucial component of their live mount scouting program, and were also extensively used by Alliance SpecForce operatives. Furthermore, Cracian thumper racing gained popularity as a sport in urban centers like the Tapani sector.
Thumpers were swift, bipedal beings, equipped with a strong, whiplike tail, and both hindlimbs and shorter forelimbs bearing sharp claws. As herbivores, they possessed sturdy, flat teeth designed for consuming plant matter. Cracian thumpers inhabiting colder regions displayed lengthy, dense fur, while those in warmer areas could shed this coat. Their feet, characterized by their large size and padding, contributed to their ironically quiet movement; despite their name, Cracian thumpers moved almost silently. A fully laden thumper could bear a load of 100 kilograms, achieving speeds of 35 kilometers per hour. It is believed that Cracian thumpers were genetically related to the rockhoppers of Roon and Biitu, potentially evolving from transplanted thumper populations.
Cracian thumpers exhibited remarkable loyalty, docility, and a generally non-aggressive disposition. Their intelligence surpassed that of typical beasts of burden, aligning more closely with that of domesticated pets. Possessing the adaptability to be trained for various roles, thumpers excelled at basic pattern recognition. They could be taught to respond to both spoken and tactile commands, distinguishing between allies and adversaries when properly instructed by their handlers, a task simplified when "enemies" possessed easily identifiable features such as the rigid white armor of an Imperial stormtrooper. Some thumpers could even be conditioned to attack upon command.
When provoked into combat, either through perceived threats or specialized training, thumpers proved to be formidable foes. Their attack methods involved utilizing their sharp foreclaws and delivering forceful strikes with their tail, capable of decapitating a stormtrooper effortlessly. Additionally, they could lash out rearward with the sharp claws on their hindlimbs while maintaining full speed.
The planet Craci served as the point of origin for Cracian thumpers. They were found across all five worlds of the Craci system, an agricultural and industrial center that was a major port and trading hub within the Corporate Sector. The native Cracians had long employed thumpers as beasts of burden, and their value as mounts and pack animals became evident when they were introduced to the galaxy at large. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, millions of thumpers populated Human-inhabited worlds, establishing them as one of the most prevalent riding animals in civilized space and the most commonly used terrestrial mount. The inhabitants of Rodia also imported Cracian thumpers to serve as live mounts for navigating the planet's dense jungles.

When the initial colonists of Jomark embarked for their new home several millennia prior to the Galactic Civil War, they brought along a number of Cracian thumpers. This small initial group flourished, and by the time of the Thrawn campaign, wild thumper herds roamed the forests of the primary continent and several of the larger islands, alongside the numerous domesticated thumpers still utilized by the colonists for various purposes. In 9 ABY, a colonist tasked with delivering a message to the Dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth rode a thumper up the steep path leading to C'baoth's High Castle.
Cracian thumper racing enjoyed widespread popularity as a sport in urban environments, particularly within the Tapani sector. Racing thumpers typically had their fur coats shorn to reduce weight and enhance their streamlined appearance. The Tapani Arts and Sports Complex on Vycinyth featured expansive stadiums and arenas suitable for hosting various sports, including thumper races. The Heatherdowns Hotel and Track on Tallaan maintained a five-kilometer oval track specifically for Cracian thumper racing, surrounded by thousands of seats and bleachers. The facility also included gardens and training areas within the track's center.
During the Galactic Empire's reign, Rothana Heavy Engineering incorporated Cracian thumpers into their catalog of mounted creatures offered to Imperial base commanders. Around 0 BBY, Cracian thumpers were listed in the Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, an Imperial commander's manual, with a price of 2,000 credits each, while specialized breeds ranged from 5,000 to 7,000 credits. Rothana promoted thumpers as ideal for scouting enemy lines, citing their composure under fire, ability to transport heavy loads, and capacity to maintain steady speeds for extended periods while remaining quiet.

The Rebel Alliance utilized the Cracian thumper for a multitude of roles, turning to it and similar creatures as substitutes for hardware restricted by the Empire. It served as a primary live mount for Rebel scouts, as live mounts like the thumper were harder for Imperial sensors to detect than vehicles like speeder bikes, and, if detected, were likely to be dismissed as a wild animal. The widespread presence of thumpers across numerous planets meant that an Imperial sensor operator would not find the presence of the beast out of place on nearly any world on which he was stationed; if lazy, there was less than a fifty percent chance he would send a patrol to investigate. Among the outposts where the Alliance used thumpers were the planets Fangol, Nishr, and Dankayo. The Rebel Alliance's successful use of the Cracian thumper and other pack animals prompted them to quickly domesticate several of Hoth's tauntauns as mounts when establishing Echo Base. General Carlist Rieekan, the commander of Echo Base, later remarked in margin notes within a copy of Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide that had fallen into the hands of Alliance High Command that thumpers were significantly more agreeable than tauntauns.
Thumpers also gained popularity among Alliance Special Forces. Their commonality meant that Wilderness Fighters and Pathfinders could employ them on thousands of planets without attracting undue attention, while Infiltrators valued the creatures' exceptional stealth capabilities. General Crix Madine, the Supreme Commander of SpecForce, possessed experience riding these animals, as did Dutra Zeneta, a legendary Jin Foster Agent and veteran of SpecForce's Scandium Team.
Barosa Warren, the Morellian founder of the renowned Galactic Outdoor Survival School, was familiar with Cracian thumpers. The Rodian tour guide Meebo maintained a collection of a dozen Cracian thumpers at his facility on Dalicron-4 and utilized them for his hunting expeditions. Approximately four months after the Battle of Hoth, when Rebel agents dispatched by Luke Skywalker arrived on Dalicron-4, Jhara, the granddaughter of the man who had requested Skywalker's assistance, acquired several thumpers from Meebo as transportation from the village of Dalia to her family's farm. Upon discovering her grandfather's death, Jhara and the Rebels embarked on these same mounts to locate Caeleb, a child with exceptional Force potential and the objective of the Rebels' mission. The expression "like a mad Jedi Knight on Cracian thumperback" became a metaphor for someone rushing to another's aid in a reckless, impulsive manner.

The Cracian thumpers were initially described within The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, published by West End Games in 1990, and their visual representation was derived from unused concept art for the tauntauns featured in The Empire Strikes Back. They reappeared in several other roleplaying game sourcebooks, but made their debut in Timothy Zahn's novel Dark Force Rising, released in 1992. The capitalization of the creature's name has varied across different sources, appearing as "Cracian thumper," "Cracian Thumper," and "cracian thumper."
Thumpers share a highly similar external physiology with another riding animal, the rockhopper of Biitu and Roon, a resemblance acknowledged as a likely genetic connection in a section dedicated to rockhoppers in Wizards of the Coast's 2010 publication, The Unknown Regions.