Born during the Galactic Empire's era, Caeleb was a Human male with an extraordinary bond to the Force. Roughly a millennium before his birth, a Child of Light prophecy foretold Caeleb's arrival. Despite his own inability to wield the Force, he served as a conduit, allowing other Force-sensitive individuals to tap into seemingly boundless Force power. To protect him from the implications of his gift, Caeleb's parents raised him on the planet Dalicron-4, in an area devoid of the Force.
In 3 ABY, at the age of five, Caeleb's tranquil existence was shattered by the arrival of the Dark Jedi Tol Skaros, who murdered his parents in an attempt to seize the boy. Agents of the Rebel Alliance rescued Caeleb, but he was soon abducted by Skaros' master, the darksider Thaum Rystra. On the ice-covered world ZXK-100346.6a, Caeleb aided Rystra in retrieving a powerful dark side relic. However, the Rebel agents who had previously saved him on Dalicron-4 attacked Rystra, freeing Caeleb from his grasp. Subsequently, the Alliance transported the Child of Light to a secure location.
During the Galactic Empire's rule, a Human male named Caeleb, who was Force-sensitive, lived and possessed an unmatched connection to the Force. This connection could be used by other Force users to amplify their own abilities. Approximately one thousand years prior to Caeleb's birth, the coming of a "Child of Light" was foretold in an ancient prophecy, and Jedi Master Duumas prophesied the boy's arrival. To create a Force-free bubble where the child could live, Duumas sacrificed himself on the sparsely populated planet of Dalicron-4 in the Outer Rim Territories, merging his consciousness into a tree. Born around 2 BBY to Force-sensitive parents, Caeleb's mother sensed something extraordinary about her baby while he was still in her womb.
After Caeleb's father had a vision that revealed the location of Duumas' Force bubble, the boy's parents took their son there to raise him, settling at a homestead next to the Jedi's tree. Caeleb's parents tried to keep him away from strong Force influences as he grew up in order to shield him from his power until he was older. Caeleb was raised in a joyful environment, and his parents made every effort to make sure he only felt positive emotions. They also forbade him from going past a stone wall that surrounded their property and marked the boundary of the Force bubble. Gel, a failed Jedi who resided on a nearby farm, found out about Caeleb's existence and started watching over him.
In 3 ABY, when Caeleb was three years old, Gel was concerned that the Empire and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader would find the boy and use Caeleb for their own purposes. He informed the Rebel Alliance resistance group of the existence of the child strong in the Force. Gel requested that Luke Skywalker, the Rebel Jedi, personally travel to Dalicron-4 to escort Caeleb and his parents to safety. Mon Mothma, the leader of the Alliance, took a personal interest in Caeleb's situation. Around the same time, Valik Kodank, a Sith spirit, planned to use Caeleb's Force potential to get her physical form back, and she ordered her apprentice Thaum Rystra to take the boy for her.
To apprehend Caeleb, Rystra dispatched Tol Skaros, the Whiphid Dark Jedi and his protegee, to Dalicron-4. Skaros' first real assignment for Rystra was this one, and he was eager to successfully capture the boy. Skaros led a force of nek battle dogs and Viper probe droids in a raid on Caeleb's homestead after torturing Gel and forcing the elderly Jedi to reveal the Child of Light's location. As Skaros began the assault, the boy was napping and was awakened by his father's screams. Caeleb watched from a window as Skaros killed his father and the Dark Jedi's nek dogs killed his mother, experiencing feelings of unhappiness and dread for the first time in his life. He remained silent and hid under a bed to avoid being discovered as a group of Rebel Alliance agents, who had been dispatched to Dalicron-4 in Luke Skywalker's stead to save the boy, defeated and killed Skaros.
Caeleb was discovered by the Rebels, and the boy insisted that they bury his parents together beneath Master Duumas' tree because he thought they would look after one another in death. Caeleb gathered his possessions, plucked a leaf from the tree, and offered it to one of the Rebels who was attuned to the Force, giving the Rebel a sense of Force strength and a glimpse of Caeleb's power. The boy went with the Rebels to the nearby village of Dalia, where he was transported by them on the YT-1300 light freighter Lazy Katarn, along with Jhara, Gel's injured granddaughter, to the Mon Calamari cruiser Home One. Upon arrival, the boy was placed in the care of Lieutenant Kylbar, an aide to Rebel leader Admiral Gial Ackbar, and Mon Mothma arranged for Caeleb to be taken to a secure location.
Caeleb was taken to a Rebel safe world with Kylbar. Rystra, however, followed him there, and at a landing pad, the darksider mindtricked Kylbar into giving Caeleb to him. Rystra was looking for the Soulsaber, a potent ancient dark side relic, as the next step in Valik Kodank's plan to regain her physical form. He kept Caeleb close to him because the artifact was kept in a location that only someone like Caeleb, who had not been touched by the dark side of the Force, could access. The Alliance dispatched the Rebel agents who had saved Caeleb on Dalicron-4 to find Rystra and Caeleb, and they searched for them for months as Rystra continued his quest for the Soulsaber.
Rystra discovered around 4 ABY, four months after the passing of Caeleb's parents, that a clue to the Soulsaber's location could be found on the Immerian Outback planet Pamorjal. Rystra stopped on the moon Nar Shaddaa with Caeleb on the way to Pamorjal to meet with representatives from the Pamorjal Freeman's League terrorist group. Rystra docked his starship in a private bay in a busy spaceport, and Caeleb was in awe as they disembarked, having never seen one before. Caeleb went with Rystra to a bar where he spoke with PFL representatives. The Dark Jedi and Caeleb went back to the spaceport and left Nar Shaddaa for Pamorjal after Rystra's business was over.
Rystra got in touch with Davit Berek, the leader of the PFL, after arriving on Pamorjal. He told Berek to target the Rebel agents who were following him, and Caeleb was there when they spoke. Rystra discovered that the Soulsaber was located on the ice-covered Outer Rim planet ZXK-100346.6a from a complex of ancient Jedi temples on Pamorjal, and he and Caeleb traveled there to retrieve the artifact.
As they landed on the planet, Caeleb felt apprehensive and cold, and Sha'lia, a Twi'lek Force adept and one of the Rebels following Rystra, remotely sensed the child's emotions. The Jedi Order had settled in the Cavern of Light, a cave complex, millennia earlier, and the Soulsaber was housed there. A barrier of light side Force that Rystra could not cross surrounded it. The Dark Jedi sent Caeleb to retrieve the relic for him as Rystra watched on, and just as the Child of Light was about to hand over the Soulsaber, the Rebel agents arrived and attacked the darksider. Rystra levitated Caeleb over a chasm and threatened to drop the boy unless the agents allowed the Dark Jedi to leave with the Soulsaber unmolested. The Rebels subsequently gained custody of Caeleb while Rystra fled the world with the Soulsaber.
Caeleb was taken back to the Rebel fleet by the Rebels. Kylbar was waiting for them with four squads of seasoned soldiers, and Caeleb was taken away and transported by the Rebels to a secret, secure location. Three years later, around 7 ABY, the Rebel agents went to a Sith temple in the Tascollan Nebula in search of Rystra, and a phantom version of the Dark Jedi conjured by Valik Kodank inquired as to Caeleb's well-being.
Caeleb's emotions were easily swayed at the time of Tol Skaros' attack, when he was five years old. He had a sheltered upbringing and froze in terror when he saw his parents die, experiencing feelings of terror and sorrow for the first time. He looked after his parents and made sure they had a proper burial before agreeing to leave Dalicron-4 with his Rebel rescuers.
Caeleb, as the heralded Child of Light, possessed a powerful presence in the Force that radiated from him. Despite being unable to use the Force himself, Caeleb had a continuous and direct connection to it. Other Force users could access seemingly limitless Force energy and power by touching Caeleb, enabling them to perform feats that would normally be impossible.
Lee Pickler created Caeleb, who appeared in the Child of Light saga trilogy of roleplaying adventures released by RPGA and set in Star Wars Legends continuity, where he played the role of the eponymous "Child of Light." In 2000, he made his debut in the trilogy's opening installment, Child of Light, and in 2001, he made another appearance in the trilogy's second adventure, Soulsaber. In 2002, he was later mentioned in the trilogy's third and final installment, Light and Dark.
There is a contradiction between the Child of Light saga outline in Child of Light and the trilogy's final adventure, Light and Dark, regarding Caeleb's role in the saga's final act. It is stated in Child of Light that Thaum Rystra takes Caeleb to Valik Kodank's Sith temple in the trilogy's final installment and attempts to resurrect Kodank by using the Soulsaber to transform Caeleb's Force energy into dark side energy. However, Caeleb is absent from the final Child of Light adventure Light and Dark, and Kodank instead attempts to possess Sha'lia in order to regain her physical form. This article makes the assumption that Light and Dark accurately depicts the sequence of events and that Caeleb was not transported to Kodank's temple. There is another inconsistency regarding Caeleb's gender. Although Child of Light, Soulsaber, and Light and Dark consistently refer to Caeleb as male, the roleplaying statistics provided for Caeleb in an appendix to Child of Light state that Caeleb is female. This article assumes Caeleb to be male.
In Child of Light, the players take on the roles of the Rebel operatives that Caeleb meets on Dalicron-4 and at the Cavern of Light. As the Rebels travel to the Cavern of Light to rescue Caeleb, it is possible for Sha'lia, the Force adept, to use her farseeing ability to sense how Caeleb is feeling. The ensuing battle between Thaum Rystra and the Rebels in the Cavern of Light can play out in a number of ways; if the player characters arrive at the cavern before Caeleb has handed the Soulsaber to the Dark Jedi, it is possible for the Rebels to attempt to encourage Caeleb not to hand over the relic to him. When Rystra attempts to escape, one possible ploy that he can use is to levitate Caeleb over a chasm and to threaten to let him fall unless the Rebels allow Rystra to leave. Whichever way the battle plays out, Rystra ultimately takes the Soulsaber from Caeleb and the Rebels gain custody of the boy.
content="Child of Light (First appearance) (Unlicensed)"
content="Soulsaber (Unlicensed)"
content="Light and Dark (Mentioned only) (Unlicensed)"