Caeleb's father

The Human male who fathered the child Caeleb possessed Force-sensitive abilities. He resided on the planet known as Dalicron-4 during the time when the Galactic Empire held sway. In the year 3 ABY, Tol Skaros, a Dark Jedi, journeyed to Dalicron-4 with the intention of abducting Caeleb. During this attempt to seize the child, Skaros slew Caeleb's father.


During the era of the Galactic Empire, the Force-sensitive Human male who was the father of the child Caeleb made his home on Dalicron-4. Although self-taught, the man had developed a basic understanding of the Force and wielded a lightsaber with a green blade.

He married a Force-sensitive woman, and they conceived a son named Caeleb, who was born around 2 BBY. Caeleb was the subject of an ancient prophecy that spoke of a "Child of Light" with limitless Force potential. To shield their son from the dangers of his own power, the man and his wife decided to raise Caeleb away from strong Force influences. After receiving a vision of a large, unusually-colored tree on the sparsely populated planet Dalicron-4, located in a spot devoid of the Force, he knew it was the ideal place to raise their child. Unbeknownst to the man, the Force bubble had been created nearly a millennium prior by the Jedi Master Duumas as a sanctuary for the Child of Light. Subsequently, the man, his wife, and Caeleb settled in a homestead near the tree. They raised their son in a joyful environment and forbade him from crossing a marker wall that surrounded their home, marking the boundary of the Force bubble.

In 3 ABY, the Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra sent his apprentice, the Whiphid Tol Skaros, to capture Caeleb. Rystra intended to exploit the boy's Force abilities to resurrect the Sith spirit of Valik Kodank. Rystra instructed Skaros to kill Caeleb's parents during the abduction. Skaros led a force of nek battle dogs and Viper probe droids in an attack on the family's home. Caeleb's father ignited his lightsaber and battled Skaros, while the nek dogs attacked Caeleb's mother. The man's screams awakened his son, who had been sleeping inside the homestead. As the neks overwhelmed and killed his wife, the man was overcome with anguish. In his tormented state, Skaros struck him down, and Caeleb witnessed his father's death through a window. Just as the man died, agents of the Rebel Alliance arrived, preventing Skaros from taking Caeleb. At Caeleb's request, the Rebels buried the bodies of his parents under the tree near their home, believing that they would be able to care for each other in death.

Personality and traits

Caeleb's father wanted his son to experience only positive emotions during his upbringing. He loved his wife and child deeply and was devastated by his wife's death and the potential fate that awaited Caeleb at the hands of Skaros.

Behind the scenes

The father of the child Caeleb made an appearance in Child of Light, a roleplaying adventure penned by Lee Pickler and set within the Star Wars Legends continuity. This adventure was released by RPGA in 2000 as the initial part of the Child of Light saga roleplaying series. Subsequent references to him were made in the second and third adventures of the series, Soulsaber and Light and Dark, in 2001 and 2002, respectively. In Child of Light, the confrontation between the man and Skaros can occur either inside or outside the Force bubble surrounding the family's residence. Should the battle take place outside the bubble, Caeleb's father initially gains the advantage but is ultimately overwhelmed by grief for his wife and concern for Caeleb's safety, allowing Skaros to capitalize and defeat him. The man's name remains unspecified throughout the adventures of the Child of Light saga.

