Gel (Jedi)

During the Clone Wars, Gel, a Human male Jedi, served the Galactic Republic. After the Galactic Empire rose to power, Gel sought refuge on the planet of Dalicron-4, where he became a farmer. In 3 ABY, Gel dispatched a communication to the Rebel Alliance, requesting they safeguard Caeleb, a boy living near his farm on Dalicron-4 who possessed a strong connection to the Force. However, Tol Skaros, a Whiphid Dark Jedi, arrived on Dalicron-4 in search of Caeleb and interrogated Gel to discover the child's whereabouts. The Jedi suffered fatal injuries and ultimately died as a result.


Fugitive Jedi

Born between 67 BBY and 62 BBY, Gel was a Force-sensitive Human male who dedicated himself to the Jedi Order during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Within the Order, he underwent training to become a Jedi Guardian, a Jedi specialization focused on combat. When the Clone Wars erupted in 22 BBY, a violent struggle between the Republic and the separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems, Gel chose to fight for the Republic.

Following the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire, the successor to the Republic, declared the Jedi outlaws and commenced a hunt for them. Gel sought refuge on the sparsely populated planet of Dalicron-4, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, where he established himself as a farmer on a farm located several hours away from the settlement of Dalia. He became a grandfather to Jhara, a Force-sensitive female who lived with him on his farm, and he also began to watch over Caeleb, the prophesied "Child of Light," a boy strong in the Force who resided at a nearby homestead. Gel occasionally told Jhara about Caeleb's dwelling place, a location created by the ancient Jedi Master Duumas that was devoid of the Force, though he never brought her there.

Saving Caeleb

Gel grew fearful that the Empire and Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, would discover Caeleb and attempt to exploit the boy for their nefarious purposes. In 3 ABY, the aged Jedi sent a message to the Rebel Alliance, a resistance movement opposed to the Empire, requesting that Luke Skywalker, a Rebel Jedi, journey to Dalicron-4 to escort Caeleb, Caeleb's mother, and Caeleb's father to a safer location. Gel then sent Jhara to Dalia to await Skywalker's arrival, instructing her to guide the Rebel Jedi to Gel's farm. However, Skywalker was unable to travel to Dalicron-4 and instead assigned a team of Rebel agents to contact Gel.

Around this time, Thaum Rystra, a Dark Jedi, devised a plan to capture Caeleb and dispatched his apprentice, Tol Skaros, a Whiphid, to seize the child. Skaros confronted Gel at the Jedi's farm, and the Whiphid's nek battle dogs attacked the Jedi. Inside a bedroom of the farm, Skaros tortured Gel, threatening to feed Jhara to the neks if the Jedi refused to reveal Caeleb's location. Despite Gel's attempts to resist, he lacked the strength to withstand the Dark Jedi's assault, and Skaros used the Force to extract Caeleb's location from the Jedi's mind. The Whiphid stabbed Gel in the chest and departed to pursue Caeleb, leaving the Jedi for dead. Mortally wounded, Gel remained partially conscious despite significant blood loss; his body was severely damaged by the attack: his arms were fractured in multiple places, his legs were twisted at unnatural angles, and his face was bruised.

Following the attack, Jhara and the Rebels arrived at the farm and discovered the dying Gel. The Jedi expressed his relief that his granddaughter was still alive and provided the Rebels with details about Caeleb's location. With his final breaths, Gel pleaded with the Rebels to save Caeleb, and then succumbed to his injuries. Jhara wept uncontrollably at her grandfather's death, placing his body on a bed and covering it. Subsequently, Jhara and the Rebels confronted Skaros and rescued Caeleb.

Personality and traits

After establishing himself on Dalicron-4, Gel came to the conclusion that he had failed as a Jedi. He felt concern for Caeleb's well-being, and when Skaros forcibly extracted the boy's location from him, Gel believed he had failed the Force once more. He held deep affection for Jhara and was relieved to see her alive in his final moments, having feared that she might have been harmed by Skaros. He viewed his Whiphid assailant as inherently evil.

Powers and abilities

Gel possessed skill in the power See Force and in utilizing the Force to dissipate energy and conceal his presence.


At his farm on Dalicron-4, Gel possessed a green-bladed lightsaber and a blaster carbine that he had kept from his service during the Clone Wars. He also carried a bottle of fruit liquor on his person.

Behind the scenes

Gel appeared in Child of Light, a 2000 roleplaying adventure within Star Wars Legends continuity, authored by Lee Pickler as the inaugural installment of RPGA's Child of Light saga. He was subsequently mentioned in the second and third adventures of the saga, Soulsaber and Light and Dark, released in 2001 and 2002, respectively.

