
Nishr, situated in the Outer Rim, was a planet inhabited by the Nish, a species classified as near-Human. It served as a battleground for a conflict involving the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.


Feldt was the most significant continental landmass on Nishr. The landscape featured mostly open, flat terrain, but the environment and topography varied, including temperate zones, deserts, forests, rugged areas, and at least one elevated region accessible only through mountain passes. Feldt must have been surrounded by bodies of water, indicating the presence of seas.

During the Galactic Empire's reign, the indigenous Nish people were largely structured around a feudal system. However, in Feldt's southern regions, south of the mountains, an industrial society was taking shape, with several urban centers developing across the continent.

From a galactic standpoint, Nishr held significance for two primary reasons. Its position in the galaxy gave it a degree of local strategic importance, and it possessed untapped mineral wealth.


In the Fourth Month of 2 BBY, a small garrison of Imperial forces, along with surveyors from the Imperial Mining Corporation, were dispatched to Nishr. Major General Vin Kollis of the Imperial Army was designated the Planetary Governor and commander of the garrison.

While Governor-General Kollis wasn't an extremist, the actions of his soldiers incited a native uprising, resulting in the brutal Nishr Suppression. Around the Sixth Month of 0 ABY, reinforcements were deployed to reinforce control, bringing the garrison to regiment strength. These events drew the attention of the Rebel Alliance, who sent a rapid armored unit known as the Nishr Taskforce, led by Major Fisk Csino. Officially, their mission was to support the local rebellion, but their true objective was to divert Imperial troops to Nishr, drawing them away from other key locations in the Sector.

This marked the beginning of the Nishr Campaign.

The Alliance task force was considerably smaller than the Imperial garrison, consisting mainly of a reinforced company of light tanks and scout vehicles, and it managed to gain only limited local support. Most of the Nish remained subdued following the Suppression. However, the Alliance held a crucial advantage. Rebel starfighters had destroyed the Imperial TIE/LN starfighter squadron assigned to the planet while covering the taskforce's deployment, leaving the garrison without air support to counter the Rebel's swift repulsorcraft.

Ultimately, the Imperial garrison's primary mobile force was ambushed and largely destroyed. This left Kollis with only infantry and slow-moving walker armor, neither of which could effectively maintain control of the territory. The Imperials retreated into the highlands, securing the passes with troops and relying on the heavy weaponry of their base.

A stalemate ensued: the Rebels were unable to directly assault the Imperial base, and the Imperials were unable to obtain the reinforcements needed to reclaim lost territory.

The ultimate outcome of the campaign remains unknown.


  • Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook

  • The Essential Atlas

  • Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

  • Related categories:

  • Nishr locations

  • Nishr locations
