The Nish hailed from the planet of Nishr and are classified as a near-Human species.
The Empire stationed troops on their planet in 2 BBY, which led to conflict between the Nish people and the occupying forces. This culminated in the violent Nishr Suppression in 0 ABY, where many Nish perished and their primary urban centers suffered bombing. As a result, the Rebel Alliance dispatched the Nishr Taskforce to aid the local resistance. However, most Nish feared further retribution from the Imperial Army. Despite this fear, some Nish joined the Rebels in the Nishr Campaign, eventually restricting Imperial dominance to the mountainous areas surrounding their base.
The ultimate resolution of the conflict remains unclear. The Rebels and Nish lacked the resources to directly confront the garrison, while the Imperials deemed Nishr strategically unimportant and chose not to reinforce their presence. This lack of strategic importance was largely due to their feudal societal structure, although industrial cities and steam-powered technology were emerging in the southern areas of Feldt. The Nish possessed the ability to see in low light conditions and were able to detect enemies that were invisible. Certain Nish individuals joined the Rebellion, collaborating with Bothan spies.