Venco Autem

Venco Autem, hailing from the Autem family, was a male Human. He was the elder sibling of Sagoro, and like his brother, served as a member of the Senate Guard.


Venco engaged in bribery and corruption, leading to his arrest by Sagoro, expulsion from the Guard, and imprisonment on a penal planet. While incarcerated, he contracted a fatal illness that resisted treatment by bacta or any available medical interventions. He also discovered a renewed sense of direction, determining that the Republic was irredeemably corrupt, and resolved to hasten its downfall before his death.

In 23 BBY, Sagoro was tasked with probing the assassination of Senator Jheramahd Greyshade, while the Jedi Knights were assigned to safeguard his replacement, Simon Greyshade. His inquiry would eventually lead to the implication of his brother in the crime.

Venco exploited the innocence of his nephew Reymet's to obtain Sagoro's Senate access credentials. Utilizing these codes, Venco infiltrated the Senate to make a final attempt to assassinate the new Senator Greyshade.

Once Venco's involvement in the scheme came to light, Sagoro was removed from the investigation as suspicion fell upon the Autem family. Nevertheless, Sagoro remained dedicated to protecting Greyshade. Disobeying instructions, Sagoro was present when Venco launched his attack. Greyshade survived, but Sagoro was compelled to kill his brother, thereby destroying his sole opportunity to exonerate himself from any connection to the illicit activities.

