A species refers to the near-Human population residing on the planet Ventooine. At the time that the Galactic Civil War occurred, their level of advancement was viewed as rudimentary by the more advanced populations of the galaxy; despite engaging in trade with other planets, they did not employ blasters or other sophisticated technology. An example of this is when the Satab referred to a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol as an "odd weapon that spits fire." Furthermore, their culture, which centered around mineral resources, differed significantly from the galactic standard. A large portion of their trade, and even their religion, which included a Rov as a title in their church, revolved around the materials obtained from various excavations. The governing Satab also oversaw the trade of sansanna spice, which was used as a food additive in the palace. Arguably, the most significant aspect of Ventooinan society, at least until some point before 0 BBY, was the shadeshine, a stone possessing extraordinary qualities that functioned as the Satab's symbol of power. Ventooinans also made use of beasts of burden as both riding animals and draft animals.