Vici Ramunee

A female Human Jedi Knight within the Jedi Order, named Vici Ramunee, served the Galactic Republic during the era of the Great Sith War.


Vici Ramunee, a Force-sensitive Human, was born into an Alderaanian family as the third of eight children on their homeworld. This occurred in the decade leading up to the Great Sith War. A visiting Jedi Master, searching for potential [Jedi training](/article/jedi_training-legends] candidates, detected her and her younger brother Veni's Force abilities. Master Tannis, located them at their family's estate close to Lir Lake, and chose both siblings for Jedi training. However, she considered the younger Ramunee too young to start and promised to return in two years, on his ninth birthday, to bring him along.

Ramunee began her training under Master Tannis at the Jedi Praxeum located on Teya IV. During this time she constructed her own lightsaber and demonstrated exceptional understanding of the Force. When her brother turned nine, he was brought to the praxeum. In 4000 BBY, Ramunee, then 16, completed her training as a Padawan under Master Tannis. Her final test required her to journey alone to the Cave of Truth and confront her "greatest foe" using only the Force. As she embarked on her journey, she sensed someone approaching; it was her brother attempting to follow her, having smuggled her lightsaber in his robes. Knowing that she had to follow her instructions to successfully complete her Jedi Trials and become a Jedi Knight, she refused the weapon. She ordered her younger brother to return to the praxeum, but he claimed he was unable to find his way back and would have to accompany her to the cave.

Having no other option, Ramunee allowed her brother to join her, and several hours later, they successfully arrived at the mountains. She then sensed a large creature approaching and, with no place to hide or escape, activated her lightsaber to defend herself and her brother. However, the large, monstrous creature turned out to be a Duinuogwuin Jedi Master known as Willm Lywin. Amused by Ramunee's attempt to "protect" her brother, Lywin escorted them the rest of the way to the Cave of Truth, where Vici Ramunee entered alone and successfully completed her trials.

Behind the scenes

The first names of Vici Ramunee, who overcame her fears, and Veni Ramunee, who aided his sister, are derived from the Latin phrase "Veni, vidi, vici", commonly attributed to Julius Caesar, which translates to "I came; I saw; I conquered."

