Vindicator (New Republic)

The Vindicator was a carrier class ship belonging to the New Republic, and it was positioned in the area outside of Ammuud.


The vessel's superstructure featured a sizable flight deck that ran the entire length from the front to the back, with a smaller "island" structure situated on the left side; the deck was entirely open to the emptiness of space. Starfighter squadrons were able to launch from this deck in formation, and arriving craft would land and be lowered to the internal decks using elevator systems. The ship's air wing consisted of T-65 X-wing starfighters, BTL Y-wing starfighters, E-wing starfighters and A-9 interceptors.


The Vindicator served as the flagship and central command hub for a fleet tasked with the mission of capturing the final clone body of Emperor Palpatine and ensuring he faced justice.

Behind the scenes

The design and fundamental functionality of the ship show significant similarities to an aircraft carrier from World War II.

